Pascal ALEXANDRE – Graphic Designer

Hi, my name is Pascal ALEXANDRE.

I am French, and I live near Paris.

After training in graphic arts, I worked as a graphic designer.

More recently, I decided to focus on merchandise design (also called “merch design”), especially t-shirts.

I did several solo exhibitions as an independent artist, but I quickly understood the limits of such a system.

I then chose to present my creations in the largest gallery that is: the Internet.

I am sensitive to any form of pictorial art, but I prefer abstract art, be it geometric, informal, or lyrical.

My favorite color is blue. I used it a lot in my early works, but I’m now exploring other palettes.

The list of artists I admire is quite long. I will mention only a few: Wassily Kandinsky, Victor Vasarely, Pablo Picasso, Pierre Soulage, Hans Hartung, Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian, Robert Delaunay, Chu Teh-Chun, Kupka, Jackson Pollock…

Thank you for visiting my site. Feel free to visit my store.


Pascal ALEXANDRE - Graphic Designer